
Using your secured party groups (SPGs)

This page has information on how to manage your secured party groups (or SPGs) once you've already set them up.

On this page

What is a secured party group?

When you create a registration on the PPSR, you’ll need to include the secured party's details - that is the person or organisation that claims to have the interest in the property being registered on the PPSR.

You do this by creating and maintaining a secured party group (SPG).

Accessing your SPGs

Once you’ve set up your SPG, you’ll receive an SPG number and access code. You need your SPG number and access code to be able to manage your SPG's registrations and contact details.

Address for service

The address for service is the address you choose to have all information, notices and correspondence sent to. When you set up an SPG, you must enter an email and mailing address; providing a physical address is optional.

The address for service is important as it's where we and others will contact you about your registration. Items which may be sent to you include:

Not keeping a current address for service means you could miss out on receiving important notices. This can result in consequences as severe as your registration being removed without you knowing because you could not be contacted.

If you change the address for service, all current registrations with those SPG details will be immediately updated. We'll then send you a verification statement to the old and new address.


If you have multiple secured parties in your SPG, the address for service will receive all correspondence on their behalf.

Updating your SPG details

You’ll need to keep your SPG details up to date. In order to update your SPG details, log in to your PPSR account, then:

  1. Select Manage a Secured Party Group from the Secured Party Groups tab

  2. Enter your SPG number and access code

  3. Click the edit button in the right hand corner of the section you want to change.

    You can now edit your SPG details from this page.

You can manage and update:

  • contact details of the SPG

  • the address for service

  • email addresses for receiving notifications about your registration

  • preferences for setting your SPG as a favourite or default

  • your SPG access code

  • the business rules for making a giving of notice identifier (GONI) mandatory for registrations.

If you made a mistake when creating your SPG and need to correct something that is not listed above, you’ll need to create a new SPG.

Deactivating an SPG

If you no longer use an SPG, the record will remain dormant on the PPSR. You can still use that SPG at a later time.

To permanently deactivate an unused SPG, you can contact us via email to request this. Once it’s deactivated, you won’t be able to use it again.

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